
2012: Enter The Year of the Dragon

2012: Enter The Year of the Dragon

As I look to what 2012 has in store for us, I am wary of turning to economists. This dismal science did a terrible job of predicting events in 2011. Of course, who could have predicted the massive earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan, the popular uprisings in the middle east and the near meltdown…

Keep the Minimum Wage High

Keep the Minimum Wage High

You probably heard this one before: Having a job is the new raise. True enough. In this desultory economy, few workers are likely to barge into the bosss office demanding a raise and a company car. Theyre just happy to have a boss. But some jobholders in Washington state actually got a sweet pay hike…

Trade Secret

Trade Secret

One in three jobs in Washington state is tied to trade. Youve probably heard that line before. Its one of the most quoted statistics about trade in Washington, and its usually linked to another popular phrase that Washington is the most trade-dependent state in the country. Heres the problem: The claim is no longer accurate….

John Levesque's Final Analysis: Bonus edition

John Levesque’s Final Analysis: Bonus edition

In a difficult economy, companies circle the wagons to protect their hoards of cash as the holidays approach, lest CEOs be guilted into yuletide largess by an awkward elevator encounter with Bob Cratchit. Business owners dread times like these as much as Tim Eyman dreads getting a real job. And so the once lavish Christmas…

It's Time to be Bold

It’s Time to be Bold

Three years ago, as our economy faced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, it made sense for companies to cut back, to restructure. It made sense for the public sector to cut costs and aggressively seek new ways to boost efficiency. And, of course, consumers needed to cut their credit balances and banks…

Leaders search for common ground to build regional prosperity

When people start talking about finding common ground and creating a “Shared Regional Vision for Sustainable Prosperity” it’s easy to be cynical. But the regional leaders who gathered at Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum over the last three days were doing important work: They were building the critical alliances and partnerships the region needs to…

Virgin on Biz The boring (tunnel) details

Virgin on Biz The boring (tunnel) details

So were going to build the darn thing. After years of arguing and studying and foot dragging and a few votes that may or may not have meant anything, were finally going to start digging the tunnel that will replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct and carry State Route 99s traffic through Seattle. That may be…

John Levesque's Final Analysis: Got Courage?

John Levesque’s Final Analysis: Got Courage?

Got courage? You probably do, even if you think otherwise. Its just not the sort of thing youd wear like a milk moustache. Its invisible, like the Seattle Seahawks offensive strategy. Courage is particularly hard to find in a lousy economy. As the Dow gets flipped like a cheese omelet and our retirement stash becomes…

Editor's Note: The Continuing IT Revolution

Editor’s Note: The Continuing IT Revolution

When a neighbor recently installed an irritating security system that beeps loudly every time a car passes, I went in search of a decibel meter to see if my neighbor was violating any noise ordinances. Amazon had one for $89.99. Instead, I turned to my iPhone and found a perfectly serviceable decibel-meter app for 99…

Makin' Copies

Makin’ Copies

Cloud computing is the new information technology buzzword. But while the term is new, the concept is old. Cloud computing simply allows companies to store data and run programs remotely. There is now a noisy push toward providing consumers with similar remote-server storage. Locally, offers its Amazon Cloud Player, which allows customers to upload…

Just Do It

Just Do It

Great execution makes strategy stand out. Everyone who has sat in a comfortable, Wi-Fi-enabled Starbucks sipping a consistently well-made cup of coffee can tell you about the third place. Business strategy success can be found all across the Puget Sound region. The failures are more nuanced. Such as the business that sets customer acquisition as…

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

If theres any positive aspect to a downturn, its this: It tends to expose and wash away the frauds, the poseurs, the incompetents, the reckless gamblers, the poorly capitalized, the perpetually optimistic, the managerially indifferent…. True, get a recession nasty enough and it will wipe out everything in its path, even those who had done…

Losing Ground

Losing Ground

When it comes to the raw R&D brainpower needed to create the innovations that will generate the products, companies, industries and jobs of tomorrow, the state of Washington does all right for itself. Maybe were not Boston or the Bay Area. But we have two major research universities, a host of other higher-ed institutions with…

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