
Final Analysis: Am I Ready to Share a Bike?

Final Analysis: Am I Ready to Share a Bike?

On a recent visit to New York City, I marveled at the sheer bravery of the people using Citi Bike, New Yorks bike-share program. Or maybe it was their audacity that struck me. Many of these helmetless people weaving around delivery trucks and taxicabs and metro buses seemed to be my age which equates to…

Editor's Note: All Aboard!

Editor’s Note: All Aboard!

Light rail in Seattle has been a disappointment. The train trip from downtown to the airport, for example, usually takes nearly twice as long as by car. But with two new stations opening up recently in hard-to-reach locations, commuters may finally begin to see value in the system. Hop on the train at Westlake Center…

CEO Adviser: The Art of Making Change

CEO Adviser: The Art of Making Change

If you keep doing what youve always been doing, youll keep getting what youve always gotten. Im sure youve heard some version of this saying. Youve read it in a dozen books; youve heard it in a dozen motivational speeches. (If that last part is true, congratulations on surviving a dozen motivational speeches.) If you…

How "Banksters" caused the great depression and led to the Glass-Steagall Banking Act.

How “Banksters” caused the great depression and led to the Glass-Steagall Banking Act.

The aftermath of a financial panic bread lines, foreclosures, falls from great power make for good drama. The causes of one, not so much. The Oscar-winning film, The Big Short shows how creative you have to get to explain the flaws of a collateralized debt obligation. That hasnt deterred a small Seattle theater company, whose…

Virgin on Business: Who Needs Regulation?

Virgin on Business: Who Needs Regulation?

There have been two great waves of the American deregulation debate. The first was during the Carter-Reagan era, when entire industries airlines, railroads, trucking, natural gas, long-distance telephone service were freed from government constraints on what markets they served and what prices they charged. And the second? Youre experiencing it right now. You might not…

Final Analysis: The Buddy System

Final Analysis: The Buddy System

Friends and i were talking recently about one of Seattles infrastructure problems dont remember if it was the abysmal traffic, rising homelessness, the messy waterfront and I said, as I often do in these situations, Maybe its time for Buddy Cianci. All told, Vincent A. Buddy Cianci, who died in January, was mayor of Providence,…

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