Meet Your Maker

Art Feinglass and Seattle's New Jewish Theater Company

Art Feinglass and Seattle’s New Jewish Theater Company

The founder and creative director explains what inspired him to launch this new troupe in April 2011

BD: Why did you start the Seattle Jewish Theater Company? AF: I felt the need to create something personally meaningful and significant. Being Jewish is important to me. While I’m not religious, I do very much appreciate the rich Jewish cultural heritage, especially in theater. I would like to introduce the great plays—provocative dramas, warm…

Seattle choreographer Amy O’Neal

Seattle choreographer Amy O’Neal

O’Neal prepares for a series of new solo and duet dances at Velocity Dance Center.

Amy O’Neal has worked with Pat Graney Company and Scott/Powell Performance, as well as her own companies, Locust and (currently) AmyO/tinyrage. She is artist-in-residence at Velocity Dance Center and will perform new solos and duets with Kathleen Hermesdorf as part of Velocity’s Guest Artist Series. 10/28–10/29. 8 p.m. Prices vary. Velocity Dance Center, 1621 12th…

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