Seattle Mag

Two Local Film Fests, Marination Station, Regina Chang's New Vintage Furniture Shop and More Top To-do's

Two Local Film Fests, Marination Station, Regina Chang’s New Vintage Furniture Shop and More Top To-do’s

Must WatchFilm Fests!This year, the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (4/28 – 5/2) will showcase 200 films (culled from a record-breaking 700 submissions) from 20 countries, all directed by auteurs 22 and younger. The lineup includes work by more than 30 local filmmakers, including 14-year-old Ben Kadie, a film fanatic from Bellevue who has…

Remembering Kim Ricketts, Founder of Kim Ricketts Book Events

Remembering Kim Ricketts, Founder of Kim Ricketts Book Events

Updated with details of the Celebration of Life planned for Wednesday, May 4th.

On Monday evening I heard the very sad news that Kim Ricketts, founder of the ever-popular Kim Ricketts Book Events, had passed away. Kim had been battling AL Amyloidosis as well as a rare bone cancer since the fall. But what I want to tell you about is her life. I didn’t know Kim well, but…

Space Needle Writer-in-Residence: Knute Berger Lands the Coolest Gig Ever!

Space Needle Writer-in-Residence: Knute Berger Lands the Coolest Gig Ever!

This just in! Knute Berger, Seattle mag’s editor-at-large and expert on all things Pugetopolis has landed the coolest gig ever: Space Needle Writer-in-Residence. As part of the 50th anniversary of the Seattle Center landmark, Knute (or “Skip” as he’s known here around the office) has been commissioned to write the Needle’s official history. From its…

Grant Achatz Leads Stunning Team of Chefs at Fred Hutch Fundraiser

Grant Achatz Leads Stunning Team of Chefs at Fred Hutch Fundraiser

If your charitable spending budget is around $350 and you want to taste the wares of several terrific Seattle chefs, as well as meet acclaimed Alinea chef, Life, On the Line author and cancer survivor Grant Achatz during a half-hour VIP reception, the upcoming 20th Anniversary Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research dinner on May 22nd is an unmatched opportunity. Achatz will speak while diners enjoy a five-course…

Tips from Kelly Singer on Gearing Up for Jogging in the Rain

Tips from Kelly Singer on Gearing Up for Jogging in the Rain

Have fun outside this month despite the rain with the right gear.

It’s April in Seattle, but the unseasonably cool temperatures, lack of sunshine, and constant drizzle makes it  feel like we’re back in November.  I’m past the point of letting the weather rain on my parade and on my run, so I made a list of the necessary gear needed to get out there and stay…

Reserve Now or Rough It This Summer: Swank New Digs on San Juan Island Allow for Close-in "Camping"

Reserve Now or Rough It This Summer: Swank New Digs on San Juan Island Allow for Close-in “Camping”

Call this camping? More like "glamping," an amenity-laden option for bug- and dirt-averse nature lov

Got your summer camping reservations yet? ‘Course you do; we Northwest die-hard dirt campers know you gotta get online in early February to snag the choice riverside sites. Or do we? Though I quiver with anticipation whenever I see my sleek Coleman stove gathering dust in my garage, a press release that just crossed my…

What to Do When Pac NW Animals Attack

What to Do When Pac NW Animals Attack

From grizzly bears to cougars, we have the scoop on what to do when faced by a wild animal.

When Animals AttackWhen an experienced hiker was killed by an aggressive mountain goat last fall on a trail near Hurricane Ridge, it brought home to anyone who appreciates the great outdoors the fact that our abundant geographical blessings come with a sobering dose of reality. The wilderness can be a dangerous place, and while human…

Central Oregon Coast

Now presenting the full ultimate guide to the Central Oregon Coast.

Return to the Ultimate Coast GuideGo here if: family-friendly amenities and attractions are tops on your list. With Newport as the central hub of this central coastal area, you’ll have easy access to such things as the city’s world-class aquarium. Travel time: about five to six hours from Seattle Newport    A world-class aquarium makes this…

Ultimate Coast Guide: Long Beach Peninsula

The full scoop on places to go on the Long Beach Peninsula.

Return to the Ultimate Coast GuideGo here if: you love a dose of history with your beach. Along with the tiny historic settlement of Oysterville, the peninsula is home to the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. Travel time: approximately 3.5 hours from Seattle Soak up some historyThe Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (248 Robert Gray…

Ultimate Coast Guide: Grays Harbor Coast

From Seabrook to Ocean City State Park, the best spots to kick back and relax on the Grays Harbor Co

Return to the Ultimate Coast GuideGo here if: you’re looking for a quick trip to the beach with plenty of amenities—from quirky restaurants to kitschy B&Bs and entertaining festivals. These are among the most accessible of Washington’s beaches. Go for the day, rent a house for a week or spend a quick weekend. Travel time:…

Ultimate Coast Guide: Southern Oregon Coast

As promised, the complete guide to ultimate coastal destinations in Southern Oregon.

Return to the Ultimate Coast GuideGo here if: you enjoy dune buggies and antiquing—and don’t mind a bit of a trek.  Travel time: about six to seven hours from Seattle Feed Seymour at Darlingtonia Botanical WaysideA roadside preservation five miles north of Florence showcases one of southern Oregon’s rarest curiosities: the native carnivorous (it just…

Ultimate Coast Guide: Olympic Peninsula

Now presenting the full ultimate guide to the Olympic Peninsula.

Return to the Ultimate Coast GuideGo here if: you love rugged, sometimes difficult-to-access beaches (you may need to hike in) and count the limited number of tourist amenities (shops, restaurants and hotels) as a bonus. Vast stretches of the Peninsula’s beaches are part of the Olympic National Park. Estimated travel time:  three to four hours…

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