Seattle Mag

Viaduct for Dummies: What's Fun About Shutting Down the Viaduct?

Viaduct for Dummies: What’s Fun About Shutting Down the Viaduct?

There’s been a lot of uneasy muttering here at SeaMag World Headquarters lately, ever since SDOT made it real and announced the dates of the first Viaduct-wrecking party (Oct. 21-31). Though we know it might one day try to kill us, several of us still insist upon using the thing to get to and from…

Cast your vote by Thursday! Weigh in on the best eateries, shops and more in our Best of 2011 poll

Cast your vote by Thursday! Weigh in on the best eateries, shops and more in our Best of 2011 poll

    We all have that favorite pub to gather with friends, the neighborhood burger joint we crave and the go-to shop we drop into every week just to see what’s new. Our urban landscape is dotted with stellar spots—and now it’s time to dish. From the best food truck in the city to your…

Hilliard's in Ballard Has Great Beer in the Can

Hilliard’s in Ballard Has Great Beer in the Can

It’s not easy to distinguish oneself as a brewer in this microbrew-soaked city. But Ryan Hilliard is off to a good start before his Ballard brewery, Hilliard’s Beer, is even open. Hilliard, thanks to a relatively new small-scale packaging machine called the ACS 3.5 (by Cask Brewing Systems), is putting his prize-winning home brew-turned-professional-project craft…

Fashion + Style Friday: FNO Recap, Lady Konnyaku Trunk Show and Looking Ahead to Fashion First

Fashion + Style Friday: FNO Recap, Lady Konnyaku Trunk Show and Looking Ahead to Fashion First

Kids, Seattle outdid itself last night: the fun and fashionable were out and about all over town from Eastside to west for Fashion’s NIght Out, shopping, gabbing and ready for fall fashion (despite the summer-like heat, though nobody complained too much). I hung out at the Bravern, catching a delightful (and packed) Neiman Marcus fashion…

Hot or Not: Local Radio Contest Wants You to Rank Your Co-workers

Hot or Not: Local Radio Contest Wants You to Rank Your Co-workers

I listen to 92.5 frequently in my car. All four songs they play cheer me up when I’m stuck in traffic. Recently the drive-time program launched a new contest called “Office Hottie,” in which listeners are encouraged to nominate themselves or someone at their place of work as the “Office Hottie.” The winner scores $1500…

New Movie Celebrates Pearl Jam's Birthday

New Movie Celebrates Pearl Jam’s Birthday

In time for the band's 20th anniversary, Cameron Crowe zooms in on Pearl Jam’s longevity.

Those of us who remember when the whole city throbbed in the thrill of grunge rock are having a somewhat unpleasant brush with mortality of late. Not only did September mark 20 years since the release of Nirvana’s epic album Nevermind, this year is the 20th birthday of a little band named Pearl Jam, whose…

How to Throw Cool Kids' Birthday Parties

How to Throw Cool Kids’ Birthday Parties

Help for planning a kid's party with less stress, plus two local gift ideas.

Birthdays for wee ones should not be associated with nervous breakdowns. Here’s a trifecta of local talent that can assist you with planning a great celebration. PlanningMake it simple by hiring a personal concierge service, such as Honey Do ( Eastsiders Anne Brucker (Kirkland) and Jenna Davis (Bellevue) will create a plan and put on…

Shopping and Dining in Phinney Ridge

Shopping and Dining in Phinney Ridge

Explore the new influx of restaurants in the otherwise quiet stretch between Woodland Park Zoo and G

With more backyards than bistros, Phinney Ridge tends to attract more dog walkers than foodies. But what started as a trickle of new restaurants has turned into a full-on food avalanche on this hilltop nabe nestled between Woodland Park Zoo and Greenwood, bringing with it a hearty selection of new shops and boutiques. SPECIAL TO…

Remembering 9/11 in Seattle

Remembering 9/11 in Seattle

Sunday marks the ten year anniversary of the September 11 tragedy. The impact was, of course, felt around the world. In Seattle that day, thousands gathered bewildered around Seattle Center’s International Fountain, looking for answers and communal mourning. In observation, Seattle magazine editors found ourselves looking back on the honest and artful expressions of various…

The Weekend Must List: 5K Don't Run, Fashion Night Out and Seattle Tilth

The Weekend Must List: 5K Don’t Run, Fashion Night Out and Seattle Tilth

MUST NOT RUN?NEPO 5K: Don’t RunSaturday (9/10)When is a 5K not a run? When the city won’t give you a permit! No matter, it’s easier to experience art at a slower pace, anyway. Artist Klara Glosova, who opens her Beacon Hill home to the public for exhibits of local art on a regular basis as…

Updated: Tragic News about Vivace Coffee Artist, Brian Fairbrother

Updated: Tragic News about Vivace Coffee Artist, Brian Fairbrother

We were shocked and saddened to hear the news that Seattle barista Brian Fairbrother sustained severe brain trauma in a recent bicycle accident. The latest update states that comfort care will begin tomorrow (Thursday). Fairbrother is actually the general manager of Espresso Vivace in Capitol Hill. We got to know him while we assembled the…

Beer-Fuelled Memories of Seattle

Beer-Fuelled Memories of Seattle

Our Grey Matters columnist looks back on simpler, sudsier days

Drinking locally is a long-held tradition, though it has gone in and out of vogue. Washington was a major supplier of hops for beer and grapes for wine long before Prohibition, and during it, we avidly smuggled booze from Canada. One prominent bootlegger, featured in the new Ken Burns documentary Prohibition, which airs this month…

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