Seattle Mag

For the Love of Lardo

For the Love of Lardo

Chef Holly Smith of Cafe Juanita revels in the melty goodness of her favorite topper.

Lard used to be a dirty word. And its Italian cousin, lardo, would prompt puzzled looks followed by the inevitable “What’s that?” But now, lardo—cured pork fat—is cool, thanks to chefs such as Cafe Juanita’s Holly Smith. She has long adored the snowy white stuff for how well it stands alone or adds a little…

Spring Arts Preview 2013: Photography

Spring Arts Preview 2013: Photography

Photography shows this season have us seeing in black and white.

In this age of Instagram and countless other image enhancers, spend some time celebrating the sheer power of black-and-white photography Vivian Maier: Out of the Shadows The story is nothing short of incredible. A nanny who lived in New York City and Chicago, Vivian Maier was also a devoted shutterbug who took captivating street shots…

Flutter and Twirl Mobiles

Flutter and Twirl Mobiles

These beautifully crafted mobiles would make an excellent shower gift.

Mobiles, when done as artfully as those created by Burien-based Sara Lawrence for her line Flutter and Twirl, are a delight to all who behold them, not just babes in their cribs. There’s something so soothing in the way they lazily rotate and bounce gently overhead. Lawrence, a librarian by trade, crafts paper, wool roving,…

Urban Animal: Seattle's Hip Veterinary Clinic

Urban Animal: Seattle’s Hip Veterinary Clinic

Capitol Hill’s new vet clinic features DIY pet portraits.

You’re staring at the photo booth in the lobby of Urban Animal, Capitol Hill’s newest veterinary practice. What’s that doing here? It’s the for-real, film-based, wait-four-minutes-for-slightly-wet-prints kind. The last one you saw was, probably, in a bar. But you are sober. And here for your pup’s checkup, for heaven’s sake. Then, you look around. The…

Earth Day 5K Training: Lessons from REI on Support and Compression

Earth Day 5K Training: Lessons from REI on Support and Compression

Week two of my Earth Day 5K training is almost done (one more run on Saturday before week three begins technically) and I’ve learned a lot. Mostly that my calves cramp up habitually at the outset of every run. That’s been a painful lesson that led to the lesson of perseverance, which is painful in…

Spring Arts Preview 2013: Editor's Picks

Spring Arts Preview 2013: Editor’s Picks

Arts editor Brangien Davis found two themes connecting the best shows to see in Seattle this spring.

Risky BusinessThis season is packed with strong leading women who take big chances. See for yourself, and decide if you’d rather follow their lead or learn from their mistakes. Get NakedUntitled Feminist Show Pullman-raised Young Jean Lee has made a name for herself the world over by creating edgy and innovative performance art. Proven adept…

Seattle's Suddenly Flush with Middle Eastern Flavor

Seattle’s Suddenly Flush with Middle Eastern Flavor

The mainstreaming of Middle Eastern flavors in Seattle has been a long time coming. Granted, I’ve made regular trips south to pick up shawarma from Mawadda for years now; it’s the best in town if you ask me. And the Hallava Falafel truck is on my regular lunchtime rotation, too, though I prefer the family-owned…

Top Pot Doughnuts: Hand-forging World Domination

Top Pot Doughnuts: Hand-forging World Domination

Hey, Big Apple! You ready for some hand-forged doughnuts? Yup, Top Pot arrives in Manhattan later this year or early next, part of a franchise deal being worked on by the geniuses behind this now-massive operation. (This year, NYC; next year, world doughnut domination?) No doubt about it, things are pretty sweet right now for…

Explore Snow Country on Fat Bikes

Explore Snow Country on Fat Bikes

Experience nature’s wintry glory threaded with the childhood joy of biking in the snow.

While we wait (and wait) for spring to arrive, Seattleites head east for blue vistas and shimmering snowfields; plunging into all that mood-lifting whiteness on sleds, snowshoes, skis and, now, on so-called fat bicycles. While bikes with wide, snow-gripping tires have been plying frozen stretches of Alaska for years, this is the first time any…

Six Cocktail Spirits You Can Sip Neat

Six Cocktail Spirits You Can Sip Neat

Recommended by Seattle bartenders.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the marvelous mixtures being served at our mighty local bars and lounges that we forget that the ingredients being mixed are often great by themselves, too. To narrow down what particular cocktail ingredients are worth trying solo, I asked a few local bar stars for suggestions in their…

Seattle's Own Cat Rescuer

Seattle’s Own Cat Rescuer

Dan Kraus reunites tree-stranded cats with grateful owners.

You could say Dan Kraus takes his extracurricular pursuits above and beyond. Roughly twice a week, the Everett-based arborist dons a harness and climbs way up—as high as 120 feet—in trees from SeaTac to Sultan, saving terrified cats that have far exceeded their comfort zone. A 2005 International Tree Climbing Competition champion, Kraus has been…

Hear Local Bands Sound Off, New Treats at Pike Place Market and Other Weekend Musts

Hear Local Bands Sound Off, New Treats at Pike Place Market and Other Weekend Musts

MUST ROCKThe Fame Riot is going for gold in EMP’s Sound Off!Saturday (3/2) – Get an early glimpse of the next big name in local music, at the final weekend of EMP’s annual Sound Off! competition.The field has been winnowed to four emerging Washington bands who’ll compete for top honors and the chance to perform…

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